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News and Research

Clinical Research

At Universal Neurological Care, we pride ourselves on exceptional patient care. That’s why we’ve partnered with the research experts at CNS Healthcare and SiteRX to expand our practice and offer clinical trials as an enhanced care option. 

Clinical trials help us to improve our understanding and treatment of disorders and diseases. Most drugs tested in clinical trials are not yet available in drug stores while some studies involve medications that are already available. Those who choose to participate have the opportunity to try cutting-edge, investigational treatments at no cost, while safely being monitored at frequent visits with their doctor or by televisit/phone call. What’s more, clinical trial participants don’t need to use their health insurance. In fact, compensation is offered to those who take part.

Learn more about the benefits, risks, safety of clinical trials from the National Institute of Health
CNS Healthcare
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Current Enrolling Clinical Trials

Full list of enrolling clinical trials


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Clinical Trials

No problem! The good news is your doctor is already working with SiteRx and can help you access a study where you are qualified. If vou re interested to see if there are study options for you, please have a conversation with your doctor and let them know you're interested in exploring clinical trials as an additional care option.
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